The Central Goldfields community is working together to create meaningful impact on emissions reduction and adaptation to local climate challenges.


Over 12 months, June 2021-June 2022, Council and community came together to develop the Central Goldfields Climate Action Plan 2022-30.

The Plan:

  • Commits to a net zero emissions target for Council operations
  • Elevates Council’s leading role in tackling climate change locally
  • Has a strong focus on partners community and working together to strengthen impact
  • Provides important information for people, groups and organisations who are new to climate change
  • Identifies six priority areas and nineteen goals addressing both mitigation and adaptation

our collaborative approach

Regional partnerships

The Central Goldfields is active in existing regional networks and collaborative climate projects.

Our regional partners:

Djaara logo cropped

Council’s Senior Leadership Team

Ensures climate action is embedded across Council operations and provides strategic oversight to the delivery of the Climate Action Plan


  • CEO
  • 3 General Managers
  • 14 Managers

Climate Action Stewarding Group

CASG meets monthly to provide leadership on community education and mobilisation aspects of the Climate Action Plan.

Current membership:

  • Cr Geoff Bartlett – Central Goldfields Shire Council, Councillor
  • Julia Walsh – Central Goldfields Shire Council, Sustainability Officer
  • Barry Parsons – Goldfields Sustainability Group
  • Bronwen Haywood – Goldfields Sustainability Group; Committee for Maryborough
  • Tony Macer – Maryborough Volunteer Resource Group
  • Lisa Mahon – Dunolly Community Garden
  • Chris Pollock – Upper Loddon & Avoca Landcare Network
  • Colleen Stratford – community member
  • Wayne Sproull – community member
  • Adrian Masterman-Smith – community member

Local Alliance for Climate Action

Local business, industry, community services, schools and community groups coming together to lead on climate action.

Our local partners:

Guiding principles

Five guiding principles underpin our community education and mobilisation work:

Build on existing networks, initiatives, and actions. Start with those already engaged and gradually bring in the broader community.

Connect people with each other and the information they need to act. Harness the power of conversation. Provide ongoing and diverse opportunities for community engagement and input.

Keep messaging balanced, local and accessible. Raise awareness of the severity of the problem but prioritise sharing of good news stories to build hope and inspire action.

Bring everyone along. Listen to and learn from other perspectives. Seek out all voices in the community and ensure equitable solutions.

Partner with and enable Dja Dja Wurrung Traditional Owners to lead and manage Country within the Central Goldfields Shire.


our changing climate

our action areas


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Your organisation can be part of unified action on climate change by joining the Climate Alliance. Stay up to date, connect, collaborate.

We will be in touch with more information